Gaji Bank Mega, Bank Mega merupakan perusahaan dalam bentuk perseroan terbatas yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa keuangan perbankan. Bank Mega dahulunya berasal dari PT Bank Karman atau
Gedung bank Mega |
Dan jika teman memiliki keinginan untuk bergabung dengan perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang jasa dan keuangan ini, maka berikut kami lampirkan daftar gaji di Bank Mega.
Daftar gaji pegawai dan seluruh posisi jabatan karyawan yang terkait di dalam Bank Mega :
- Account Officer Rp 6,8 Jt
- Account Officer Micro Rp 3,5 Jt
- Account Officer SME Rp 8,2 Jt
- Account Staff Rp 3,3 Jt
- Accounting and Administration Officer Rp 4,0 Jt
- Accounting Manager Rp 9,2Jt
- Accounting Officer Rp 4,8 Jt
- Accounting Staff Rp 4,5 Jt
- Admin and Marketing Support Rp 4,0 Jt
- Administrasi Rp 3,7 Jt
- Administrasi Gudang Rp 4,2 Jt
- Administration Staff Rp 3,8 Jt
- Administrative Assistant Rp 2,5 Jt
- Analyst Rp 8,2 Jt
- Analyst Intern Magang Rp 3,2 Jt
- Apprentice Account Staff Rp 4,2 Jt
- ASI Marketing Rp 8,2 Jt
- Assistant Engineer Rp 5,8 Jt
- Assistant Manager Rp 13,5 Jt
- Assistant Marketing and Sales Manager Rp 6,6 Jt
- Assistant Officer Rp 6,7 Jt
- Associate Account Officer Rp 9,0 Jt
- Associate Credit Analyst Rp 7,2 Jt
- Associate Staff Rp 7,7 Jt
- Audit Supervisor Rp8,2 Jt
- Auditor Rp 6,2 Jt
- Back Office Fresh Graduate Rp 4,2 Jt
- Bakti BCA Customer Service Officer Rp 3,2 Jt
- Bakti BCA Teller Rp 3,8 Jt
- BCA Development Program Rp 6,3 Jt
- Branch Manager Rp 18,2 Jt
- Budgeting Supervisor Rp 10,0 Jt
- Business Analyst Rp 4,5 Jt
- Business Analyst IT Staff Rp 4,2 Jt
- Buyer Administration Staff Rp 3,0 Jt
- Call Center Rp 3,4 Jt
- Call Center Agent Rp 3,5 Jt
- Cash Management Product Manager Rp 10,0 Jt
- Chief Engineer Rp 5,8 Jt
- Chief Operational Rp 6,8 Jt
- Collector Supervisor Rp 7,8 Jt
- Commissioner Rp 47,8
- Consumer Liabilities Manager Rp 6,0 Jt
- Contact Center Agent Rp 7,0 Jt
- Corporate Legal Rp 3,8 Jt
- Cost Control Staff and Site Engineer Staff Rp 4,0 Jt
- Costumer Service Rp 3,9 Jt
- Courier Rp 1,8 Jt
- Credit Admin Rp 4,2 Jt
- Credit Analyst Rp 7,5 Jt
- Credit Analyst Associate Rp 7,8 Jt
- Credit Analyst Manager Rp 11,8 Jt
- Credit Analyst Trainee Rp 4,0 Jt
- Credit Card Marketing Rp 2,4 Jt
- Cso prioritas Rp 6,0 Jt
- Customer Relation Rp 6,0 Jt
- Customer Service Rp 4,0 Jt
- Customer Service Officer Intern Magang Rp 2,3 Jt
- Deputy Branch Manager Rp 22,3 Jt
- Deputy Manager Rp 15, 3 Jt
- Direct Sales Representative Rp 4,0 Jt
- Driver Rp 3,4 Jt
- EDC Technician Rp 2,8 Jt
- Executive Assistant to CEO Rp 25,8Jt
- Executive Secretary Rp 28,5 Jt
- Export Import Staff Rp 4,0 Jt
- Finance Accounting Rp 8,8 Jt
- Front Liner Rp 4,0 Jt
- Front Liner Fresh Graduate Rp 3,7 Jt
- Front-End Developer Rp 4,8 Jt
- Graduate Internship Program Rp 2,8 Jt
- Graphic Designer Rp 4,0 Jt
- Head Teller Rp 6,2 Jt
- HRD Staff Rp 3,9 Jt
- Human Resources & General Affairs Rp 4,2 Jt
*. Jumlah yang kami tampilkan bisa lebih sedikit atau lebih banyak, hal ini dapat dipengaruhi kebijakan internal Bank Mega.
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